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Reaction to... Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean

"'Why now? Why not wait for a man to come along and... sweep you off your feet?'
She gave a short laugh. 'If the man you speak of had ever planned on coming, my lord, I'm afraid he has obviously lost his way. And, at twenty-eight, I find I have grown tired of waiting.'"
I am late to the metaphoric party, I know, but I have just discovered the wondrous delights of Sarah MacLean, and all because of a stray kindle deal that caught my eye. Historical fiction? Not necessarily my cup of tea, which is why I sometimes have a hard time with historical fantasy, as I quickly grow uninterested in the written political aspects of it that they can center on. Historical romance, though? I've never had a problem, and MacLean has reminded me exactly why. All I want now is more, more, all.

I've always kept my eyes peeled for this series because I remember how hasty the crowd gathered for it, but I was so pleasantly surprised by how delicious, fun, and character-centric Nine Rules turned out to be. There are rarely any better stories than that of the unrepentant, untouchable rake falling for the lady, and I quite simply adored the way the lovely Lady Calpurnia, who never believed she was worth love, burrowed her way into the heart no one would believe the emotionless, wicked Marquess of Ralston had.

Each character—from the cheeky Marianna to the dressmaker Herbert—reached me, each awesomely scandalous item (think smoking cheroot, gambling at a men's club) on Callie's list of nine items to experience warmed me, made me have fun, made me laugh.

Especially when all of her shenanigans somehow include the unsuspecting Ralston, who, without realizing, becomes her partner in crime.

Callie's transition from lonely self-proclaimed spinster to a beautiful, adventurous woman gave me the urge to cuddle something, I was so toasty warm. She's the kind of girl who desperately needs a hug, a wake up call, and some fun, and she gets all three along the way so that your leaping for joy at her transformation into a woman she can enjoy, be proud of, and one who can win the heart of her long-time love.

I'm happily basking in adoration for this book, because while it has no small degree of a mind-candy feel to it, there are some powerful stuff in this book as well to balance it out and keeping it from being a mere feel-good romance. I'm so impressed by this first book, I can't wait to explore the many other options MacLean has presented before me.

I shall be invested quite a while, methinks.

Paperback / 422 pgs / Mar 30th 2010 / Avon / Goodreads / $7.99

I bought myself an e-book of this because it was a kindle deal.


Marathon said...

I adore this book :) It's the book that opened me up to historical-romance, and I connected to Callie on such a strong level! The romance was fantastic, the writing wonderful and the journey Callie undertakes just empowering! I'm so happy you enjoyed the book!

Marathon said...

If you're late, then I've been positively left behind as I haven't even HEARD of this book before. The author's name looks just slightly familiar though. I actually haven't read a historical romance in a very long time, and I'm not even sure if I enjoy them, but you definitely have me curious about this book now. I'm glad you liked it! :)

Marathon said...

I connected incredibly well with Callie so much so that I was nervous to start ANOTHER book of MacLean (but after reading A Rogue By Any Other Name I can say that didn't turn out to be much of a problem :P) The romance was EXCELLENTE and YES her journey to self IS an empowering one, so much so that I was *fist-pumping* for the girl. I LOVED IT.

Marathon said...


Marathon said...

I was on a historical romance binge awhile back and briefly flipped through this, but just wasn't interested. Not sure why. I've heard nothing but good things about this book, so I really just need to read it, especially if it's romantic fun. :) Great review, as always, Asher!

Marathon said...

Totally serious! I guess I must have been living under a rock. But worry not, you have me convinced. :)

Marathon said...

Some of people have claimed that to me AND I DON'T SEE HOW. It's wonderful! Though, had I not been in the mood I probably would've overlooked this one! Just pick it up when you're in The Mood, the right one and it'll be as great for you :D

Marathon said...

Probably been borrowing mine because I'm always late about these things.

Marathon said...

I always left this series alone because the title seemed a little chauvinistic. But if it's as good as you say it is...

Marathon said...

But what about that time period wasn't? xD IT'S AS GOOD AS I SAY. Both fun and sexy. Can't go wrong with that.

Marathon said...

I actually remember quite hating the hero in this which colored my entire perception of the novel. However I did like her YA book The Season and would recommend that to fans of YA.

Marathon said...

Noooo! You can't tell me that! Ralston is pretty boss even when he's an arsehole. And surprisingly I'm not interested in reading The Season. Maybe because it's about three women who look quite snooty on the cover. I DON'T KNOW. xD

Marathon said...

Um, that's kind of what I love about the cover! Plus the girls are actually really quite nice-I remember them having a good friendship. I do think the romance is very YA though so it may not bring the swoons for you.