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One Does Not Simply Submit a Request

Review requests are not currently open, unless
1) you are a third party I've been in contact with before
2) the title is on my wishlist or something I'm waiting on, all of which I will definitely review
3) it's for a blog tour I might be interested in participating in
4) you are part of a publisher or publishing house I'd genuinely be interested in working with based off my reviews or another telling place

In case I start accepting requests, you should know...
Hey, I'm Mara! Or fine, if you insist on calling me Princess, which was derived from my alias from long ago, then that's fine too. But I draw the line there. I single-handedly run Paranormal Indulgence because I enjoy being in my own company when I write for this blog. It's a YA-based blog, born October 2010, that sometimes features adult or middle grade literature and includes most genres except very much horror.

It has, during a good month, about 1000-1300 unique visitors and around 10,000 pageviews according to sitemeter. I'm very heavily into Twitter and I'm starting to dig Facebook. I also work with Youtube, Goodreads, and occasionally I work in some Amazon.

I don't mind receiving Young Adult or Middle Grade novels for review, but I accept only as many as I can handle (or request, which almost amounts to the same thing). I DO NOT accept self-published books or books in a series out of sequence for review. I DO accept physical and e-book galleys/ARCs, but I prefer NOT to listen to audiobooks.

My reviews are only loosely dubbed that, but I guarantee I do cover my thoughts on the books I read, from the cover to whose read and talked about them to the story and characters, etc. If I do accept a book, I will work it into my current TBR though I CANNOT promise I will read it then.

... Well, I think that about covers it.

Here's a direct line to my soul (okay, my Google Docs Form), so take care. And request away. IF YOU DARE.

If it's a blog tour invite you've got in your cyber satchel, email me directly.
Sometimes I don't check my Google Docs often my soul doesn't respond as quickly as I'd like.