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Fragment Friday (1): The Devouring

This friday's meme, Fragment Friday, is hosted by the Book Chic Club, where you basically read a little piece or excerpt from whatever it is you're reading and share it with other readers or bloggers. If you want to participate head over to Book Chic and sign the Mr. Linky there.

This friday I'm reading The Devouring by Simon Holt. 

Thanks Picasa 3 and Youtube for helping me put up this video!


BookChic said...

Thanks so much for participating in this meme! I loved The Devouring even though it was way scary and I could only read it in the daytime, lol. I hope you continue to do this meme whenever you can! :)

Anna said...

Sounds like the perfect book for Halloween season, no? Thanks for sharing..I'm going to add it to my to-read list. Happy Friday!

Marathon said...

@BookChic Oh, you're absolutely welcome. I'm glad to be apart of it. I think it's a really neat idea. And yes, it is super duper scary, and I'm now I'm totally creeped out by shadows and the dark. And I most definitely will. Like I said it's really great idea. (:

@Anna Yes, it is. I was so surprised when I stumbled upon it. And you're welcome. Happy Friday to you too!