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In My Mailbox (29) + Vlog

Information on In My Mailbox can be found here.
 Credit for this meme: Kristi @ The Story Siren

I'd also just like to note that Kristi's IMM vlogs are what inspired me to start my blog. She made blogging look like so much fun! And now I know why.

Short and sweet today. Messy Hair Edition :P

Add them to Goodreads?

Physical Copies:

Mistwood by Leah Cypess
The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
Plain Kate by Erin Bow
All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin

NetGalley E-Arcs:

The Next Door Boys by Jolene B. Perry

Thanks for stopping by!

That's it for this week's In My Mailbox. I hope you all had a wonderful book week as well. Be sure to tell me what did you get in YOUR mailbox? And happy reading!


Little Miss Becky said...

Great stuff! I loved All These Things and I always meant to read Plain Kate---I heard it's amazing!

April BooksAndWine said...

Your mailbox rocks! Seriously, I've read A Monster Calls, Plain Kate, All These Things I've Done, and The Summoning and while they are vastly different, each is a really, really good book.

YAY! Happy reading :-D

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous that you got A Monster Calls! I've been meaning to read it. Hopefully I get a chance soon. Happy reading!

Alison at The Cheap Reader

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

I've heard A Monster Calls is amazing. I need to get myself a copy. Hope you enjoy.

Lindsay Cummings author said...

hope you like a monster calls! interested in that one!

stop by and see my first IMM vlog ever? :)


Anonymous said...

Nice haul of books!

Most of them I haven't even heard of (somehow). =o

KTJ said...

Ooh I loved The Summoning and hope that you love it too! I've been meaning to get A Monster Calls so I'll be looking forward to your review!

My IMM: http://www.nomaliciousreads.com

Marathon said...

Little Miss Becky- Plain Kate is supposed to be mesmerizing with its prose and amazing characters. I'm really excited for it!

April- Thanks!(: I've heard so many wonderful things about each book I feel like I've read them already. But I'm eager to see what they're all about and why people love them so much.

Alison- It's supposed to be a fantastic book, a bit of a tear-jerker so I'm looking forward to it immensely!

Missie- I pulled it out of the library stacks as soon as I saw it! You're right, it sounds amazing.

Lindsay- Me too. :D

Nerd Girls- Thanks! Really? I feel like everyone has been talking about them. I think that's refreshing though. You haven't been exposed to the hype so you're more likely to enjoy them(:

Kate- I've been waiting for The Darkest Powers series for what seems like FOREVER. And I'm so happy to finally be able to read the first installment. And A Monster Calls, though I can tell I'm going to get very emotional, has me very excited. Can't wait!

Thanks for stopping by, ladies!

Anonymous said...

I loved All These Things! Hope you do too. I've heard great things about Mistwood, but haven't gotten it yet.

Hope you enjoy them all! :) Happy reading.

Anonymous said...

I think I've got Plain Kate on my shelves, but I'm sure in the UK it's called something like Wood Angel. Aww what a shame about All These Things. I hope you do still give it a try. It would be such a shame to just leave it sitting there. Enjoy your books!

Liz. R said...

Ooh Plain Kate! I have heard awesome things about that, hope you enjoy it :). All These Things I've Done sounds amazing too, happy reading! :)

Carina said...

Oooh, I have Mistwood sitting on my shelf as well. Really need to start it soon, because it sounds sooo amazing. (I have waaaay to many books I still need to read and every week the pile is growing and growing and never seems to stop. Which is kind of awesome and stupid at the same time. More awesome than stupid though. :D )

Great books for you last week! I hope you enjoy them. :)


Fireflywishes said...

I love your site - it's so cute! Your book pile is super nice! I haven't read All These Things I've Done but it's definitely on my wish list! It seems like I'm meant to read Patrick Ness, the universe keeps bringing his name to me everywhere I go! He looks like an author I'd really like :D

I hope you love all your books - thanks so much for stopping by my blog- I'm a new follower :)

April @ My Shelf Confessions

Rachel Brooks said...

Lots of great books here! I hope you enjoy reading them this week!

I found you via the IMM linky. I’m a new follower :)
Rachel Brooks Writes

JV said...

Great books! I've been meaning to put Mistwood on my TBR but I'm still not certain if it's really worth reading so let me know what you think about it.

Thanks for stopping by. Happy reading!

Janus @ The Blair Book Project

Maji Bookshelf said...

I loved The Next Door Boys! i reviewed it a couple of weeks ago, its a really great contemporary read!! :D

enjoy your books!

- juhina

Marathon said...

Amanda- Ah, I'm not sure if I'm going to read it:(
And Mistwood so far, although a little slow, is a very intriguing fantasy read. I'm hoping to get a little more action, though, soon.

The Slowest Bookworm- Plain Kate is supposed to be a very heartwrenching read, so I'd love to know what you thought about it. I'm teetering on my decision now, because everyone is now telling me how much they enjoyed it. Still... Eh, I don't know.

Liz- I like crying, so Plain Kate should be good.

Carina- The finished copy is beautiful. It's so hard to admire the library copy of Mistwood because I can't appreciate all the small details with all that plastic in the way! :K

And as we get to be better bloggers, our reading pile does increase exponentially and most of the time overwhelmingly. I'm already beginning to experience that. *lol* We'll finish them all *high fives*

April- Thank you<3 I seriously believe you can never go wrong with signs of the universe. Go to him, April. Go, and discover the wonders of A Monster Calls.

Rachel- Hi, Rachel! That's wonderful, glad you enjoyed my vlog. I'll be sure to visit soon.

Janus- Oh, absolutely. Will do. As of right now, though it's starting pretty slow, it's still kind of awesome. I'm just hoping for some more action and romancey stuff!

Juhina- It seems this year and the next are chockfull of amazing contemporaries and I'm really excited for this one.

Thanks all for stopping by! If I haven't already, I'll visit soon. And happy reading!

Katja Weinert said...

I like Patrick Ness, and A Monster Calling sounds super. Enjoy :-)

Brodie said...

If Kiersten White recommended A Monster Calls then I must read it, because that woman is too awesome for words. Yay, we both got The Summoning! I've had a copy of the sequel for AGES. So now I can finally read the series and see why everyone capslocks DEREK! whenever it's mentioned haha. I'm really eager to read Mistwood too!

Awesome books, I hope you enjoy these!!

By the way, Asher, I think it's relevant to mention I <3 YOU TOO! And I'm totally not just saying that because you did. I think you are seriously AWESOME :D

April said...

I keep seeing this "a monster calls" book. I'm hearing good things. :) I haven't read any of the books in your mail box this week. Oh wait.. I think i read the summoning.. Is it sad that I feel I need to check good reads to be sure? lol.

I love/hate watching these Imms. On one hand, I find new books I might want to read.. but then I'm already so caught behind. lol. It's all good. :) Intersted to see what you think of Mistwood. That one I have been holding off getting, due to mixed reviews. :)

vtybhuj said...

Hi, Asher,
Darkest Powers series (beginning with The Summoning) is awesome and Women of the Otherworld series more awesome yet. Hope you enjoy!

Kelly said...

Great books this week. I've never heard of Plain Kate, but it sounds good. I haven't read anything by Kelley Armstrong yet, but I'm thinking about adding some of her books to my TBR list. I can't wait to hear what you think of what you got. Happy reading!

Jennie said...

Awesome IMM! I haven't read All These Things I've Done yet but it sounds amazing. Btw, I love your blog header. It's so cute! Hope you enjoy all your new books! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :D

My Cute Bookshelf

Marathon said...

KR- I've never read anything by Patrick Ness, so I'm looking forward to trying out what's supposed to be a phenomenal emotional read!

April- A Monster Calls is supposed to be absolute amazing and wrenching. Definitely check it out. And, no, I don't think it's silly to check goodreads. We're book bloggers; we read so much it's awesome that we have lists to refer to.

That IS a downside of IMM. I either get blindly envious or filled with yearning or both.

Brodie- *high fives* HELL YES, Kiersten White is the stuff. The good kind. I'm really loving this series so far. I just finished The Summoning like two seconds ago - AWESOME. I'm mad I didn't pick up the sequel when I had the chance! :K


And I totally believe you <3. Even if you are just saying(;

Jin- I believe it now. I just finished the first book and I'm like, WOW :O

Kelly- Thanks! Plain Kate is supposed to make me cry my eyes out and I've gotten nothing but fabulous recommendations, so that's always a good sign. And Kelley Armstrong has been on my TBR for ages. After reading The Summoning, I'm SO NOT PUTTING HER OFF anymore.

Jennie- Thank you! I don't know if I'll get to Zevin's book. And double thank you<3 So sweet :* And it was my pleasure to visit(: