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My Big, Fat TBR Pile (11)

My Big, Fat TBR Pile is a feature in which I showcase future reads that can be found on my to-read pile. It's like multiple "Waiting On..." Wednesdays rolled into one, showcasing a mix of books new, old, and upcoming. I typically do this type of post when I'm too excited for words and NEED to unleash a peek at my wishlist. Mayhap, you will find yourselves as excited for them as I am.

The following links provided will lead you to Goodreads.com. (What is Goodreads.com?)

Most Wanted:

The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong

HarperTeen, Available NOW

Sixteen-year-old Maya is just an ordinary teen in an ordinary town. Sure, she doesn't know much about her background - the only thing she really has to cling to is an odd paw-print birthmark on her hip - but she never really put much thought into who her parents were or how she ended up with her adopted parents in this tiny medical-research community on Vancouver Island.

Until now.

Strange things have been happening in this claustrophobic town - from the mountain lions that have been approaching Maya to her best friend's hidden talent for "feeling" out people and situations, to the sexy new bad boy who makes Maya feel . . . . different. Combine that with a few unexplained deaths and a mystery involving Maya's biological parents and it's easy to suspect that this town might have more than its share of skeletons in its closet.
Fresh Faces:

Legend by Marie Lu
Putnam, November 29, 2011
Unleashed by Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguie
Delacorte, November 22, 2011


The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong
HarperTeen, May 1, 2009
Deception by Lee Nichols
Bloomsbury, June 8, 2010

And that's it for this week's glimpse into my TBR pile. I look forward to showing you more of what's in My Big, Fat TBR Pile.

What's lingering in your to-read pile?


Anonymous said...

You got me there with the "sexy new bad boy". Although I pray he's not like Patch whom I think was just a tad creepy. Hehe

Hope you can visit my WoW post this week:


- Mauie from The Traveling Reader

Brodie said...


And The Awakening, but that just ruins the pattern I have going. Legend was so AWESOME. I need. sequel. now. And I adored Deception too, soo lookign forward to Betryals (which comes out here early next year, yay). Great choices!! :D

Katja Weinert said...

I'd love to read Legend, have been hearing good things about it. Look forward to your thoughts on it.

June G said...

I definitely want to read Legend! Too many darn books, too little time...agh! Thanks for dropping by. I'm shocked to hear there's little of Ren in Wolfsbane! I hadn't heard that before. Now I really can't wait to read it to see what's the deal. Yikes!

Leanna Elle said...

Oooh, I've got a copy of Unleashed. Sounds pretty good!

I've had Deception on my TBR for ages. Must get to it soon!

Liz. R said...

The Awakening is sooo good. Love The Darkest Powers series! I wasn't too fond of The Gathering (and I appear to be the only one - probably because I loved Chloe and co. so much that anything else seems rubbish in comparison :P) but it was a nice start to a new series! Deception is fantabulour and I've had Legend on my tbr for aaages, I need to read it! Some great choices there :).

Book Sake said...

I'm definitely in on reading this book. I've loved other books of hers.

Jessica @ Book Sake

Marathon said...

Mauie- No, I'm getting more the 'Derek' vibes from Darkest Powers. You should definitely try that series by the same author!

Brodie- I swear your comments always bring a smile to my face. I always get the most unique ones from you :* I just finished Darkest Powers--YOOOO! So effing good. Snubbed everyone just so I could read them all yesterday.

KR- YES. The trailer was so cool I knew I had to read it.

June- Yeah, I know the feeling on both accounts. Ren is my favorite in the Nightshade series, so I'm POed and haven't picked up the second one to read.

L- Oh, I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it! I want to try the damn series being that I've seen it EVERYWHERE. Not kidding. It's haunting me (hehe).

Liz- *high fives* Just finished it yesterday :DD And I'm going to hunt down The Gathering really fast, because I'm dying to read more on this world. Like I said, Deception has been stalking me. And I know it's dangerous to give the time of day to a stalker, but I NEED to know what the big deal is. Legend's trailer sucked me in, so now I HAVE to read it too.

Jessica- *high fives* YES.

Anonymous said...

The Gathering is on my shelf as well gathering dust. I really should read it, but there are sooooo many books.


Marathon said...

Petra- Ooo, I like the way you worded that :D I know the feeling, it happens.