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Review: After Obsession

After Obsession
by Carrie Jones & Steven E. Wedel

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Release Date: September 13, 2011
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Age Group: Young Adult
Source: Library Check-Out
Rating: Eye-Catcher
About the Book:

Aimee and Alan have secrets. Both teens have unusual pasts and abilities they prefer to keep hidden. But when they meet each other, in a cold Maine town, they can't stop their secrets from spilling out. Strange things have been happening lately, and they both feel that something-or someone- is haunting them. They're wrong. Despite their unusual history and powers, it's neither Aimee nor Alan who is truly haunted. It's Alan's cousin Courtney who, in a desperate plea to find her missing father, has invited a demon into her life-and into her body. Only together can Aimee and Alan exorcise the ghost. And they have to move quickly, before it devours not just Courtney but everything around her.
You are mine. You all will be mine. These are the words I hear every single freaking morning since my friend Courtney’s dad died...

I'd never read anything written by the Carrie Jones and Steven Wedel before After Obsession. I'd never read Jones's Need series, so my first time being exposed to her writing came in the form of After Obsession. And while I see the potential there, and I'd LOVE to say that I really enjoyed this book, I was majorly disappointed. What starts with a totally intriguing opening morphs into a non-engaging, 'where have I seen this before?' kind of tale. Despite the fresh spin on a relatively common paranormal element and the glimmers of humor derived from the fun dialogue, I was disappointed in the weaving of the story and the quickie romance that ensues after the main characters meet!

Although Amy has her moments of humor and quick wit, that wasn't enough to tide me over throughout this story. She comes across as dull and boring. Relatable? Yeah, kind of. But she isn't a lovable heroine, who sucked me into the story and made me want to stick around. I actually found her family to be much more interesting!

Gramps and Benji are great supporting characters that definitely know how to tug laughs out of you. I wish I could say the same about the rest of the cast! Courtney, Amy's best friend, is going through a tough time, what with her dad floating around in the deep blue sea and, you know, a DEMON has turned her into the next Regan MacNeil. Yet I kept asking myself, do I even care? And the answer was no. I didn't give a crap about this poor girl suffering from being constantly jumped by the aforementioned demon. I couldn't make a connection. And I didn't understand what was so amazing about Courtney and Amy's bestfriendship. Why are they best friends?

Alan, though slightly more alluring (at first), turned out to be another dislikable character. As the main romantic lead, I want some spark, some delectable chemistry, and that something that makes you want him. He's nothing more than a pretty face with a super cool heritage and a poor choice in girlfriends if you ask me. Amy is not all that in a bag of chips, and I just didn't get the romance.

As the story progressed it's enjoyability decreased steadily, boring me more and more, until it got to the point where I ended up skimming the last half of the book. The resolution? Blech. The ending didn't move me at all, didn't motivate me to read on about this couple should this evolve into a series. Overall, I hope After Obsession isn't a reflection of what's to come during Need, which I recently picked up from the library. I'll be majorly disappointed to discover the same lack.

After Obsession is just another beautiful face, with nothing stunning inside to discuss and nothing worth concocting a brilliant plan to trap your parents into buying the book.

ECs start out as pleasant, the cover and synopsis draw the eye, but are ultimately deceiving. They keep your attention absorbed for a certain amount of chapters before you realize, sadly, that they're not the books for you... (My Rating System In-Depth)

Aimee: “Attention, people talking about me: I. Am. Right. Here,” I say, pulling my hand away. I decide to go somewhere safe and conflict-free. “Look, Alan, I’m not going to ask about Oklahoma and moving because - no offense - I’m sure it sucks and you’re sick of it, so I’m just going to bring you slam-bang into my life, unless you want me to ask you the required questions, because I will, because I care, but I don’t want to be.. I don’t know. I don’t want to bore you with the same old-same old.”
His lips quiver. He leans back and starts laughing again. (31)


Brittany @ Nice Girls Read Books said...

Aw, I'm sorry to hear this! I have a love/hate relationship with the Need series and was hoping this one would be different. I have it on my shelf, but I haven't started it yet!

Unknown said...

Aw, bummer. And the cover is so attractive, I'd have hoped for more inside!
Haven't heard of NEED...

Liz. R said...

Know how you feel. There were some aspects of this I liked, but overall it was disappointing. I didn't get Courtney and Amy's friendship at all either!

Sarah (saz101) said...

"What starts with a totally intriguing opening morphs into a non-engaging, 'where have I seen this before?"

I hate to tell you, but you've basically described how I felt about Need. You're not really missing much ;)

Marathon said...

Brittany- See now I'm scared to start it. Especially after disliking this book so much :(
If you have other more interesting stuff to read, I'd read that first.

Rachel- Same. I was thinking the same thing, and then I got... nothing. Nothing special anyway.

Liz- Right? It was so blah. Dull. Uninteresting. And their friendship? The most unappealing one I've read about in a long time.

Sarah- Aw, really! Again, now I'm super wary of it :(