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In My Mailbox (30)

The Books:

Add them to Goodreads?

Physical Copies:

Queen of the Dead by Stacey Kade
Deadly Cool by Gemma Halliday
Between the Sea and Sky by Jaclyn Dolamore

NetGalley E-Arcs:

New Girl by Paige Harbinson
Allegiance by Cayla Kluver
Halflings by Heather Burch

Here's what happened on the blog this week:

Happy reading! What was your week like?
What did you get in your mailbox?


KTJ said...

Oooh Deadly Cool! I have that waiting for me to read on my bookshelf! and I just got New Girl this week!

Happy Reading!
My IMM: http://www.nomaliciousreads.com

Little Miss Becky said...

I've heard some good things about Between the Sea & Sky..need to grab that one sometime soon. I loved Queen of the Dead---just as good, if not better, than book one! :D


tthepageturner said...

I've heard good things about Deadly Cool - a mix of humour and mystery. An unusual combination, but I look forward to giving it a go. =)

Marathon said...

Kate- Yeah it was tough call on whether to read Deadly Cool or Queen of the Dead first!

Little Miss Becky- Despite mixed reviews, I feel like you can't go wrong with mermaids in Between the Sea & Sky. And I fell in love with The Ghost and the Goth, so it was a no-brainer picking up the sequel.

Renu- Right up my alley, I'd say.

Brodie said...

OOH lots of delicious reads this week!! I really want to read... well, ALL of these, actually. New Girl, Halflings and Deadly Cool in particular. I've heard mixed opinions about Between the Sea and Sky, but how gorgeous is that cover? Want. May possibly steal from you. But only if I'm desperate. Which I am, 97% of the time.

Anyway, hope you enjoy! :)

April (BooksandWine) said...

New Girl looks so good! And yay for Jaclyn Dolamere. And okay, I really want to read those Ghost/Goth books because it seems everyone loves them!!

Happy reading :-D

Jenny said...

Oh Deadly Cool!! I loved that one:) I've heard good things about Between the Sea and Sky, and New Girl looks amazing. Fabulous mailbox this week Asher!

Just a Lil Lost said...

Great books!! I picked up New Girl from Netgalley too! Allegiance looks really good :)

Michele | My (huge) IMM

Bonnie @ A Backwards Story said...

I really enjoyed BETWEEN THE SEA AND SKY and hope you will, too! I received ALLEGIANCE and NEW GIRL this week as well!

A Beautiful Madness said...

Great Mailbox! I ot Allegiance and New Girl form NetGalley too, but I haven't had time to read them. Hope you'll enjoy them!
A Beautiful Madness

Unknown said...

Between the Sea and Sky was a cute book, I hope you enjoy it C:

My Mailbox

Grace Fonseca said...

I got Halflings as well on Net Galley. Great haul. Come visit me as well.

Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog

Fivezenses said...

I'm loving your mailbox haul! Great selection of YA books! :D

Amber (Books of Amber) said...

Awesome haul! I got New Girl and Halflings from NetGalley. I can't wait to read them, as they sound fantastic! Enjoy your books.

Books of Amber

BookBreather said...

Ahhh! I want Queen of the Dead soo bad!! Nice books! Hope you enjoy :)


Tia said...

What a great IMM! I hope you enjoy all your books!


Rubita said...

Deadly Cool was a lot of fun--I'm thinking of trying out Halliday's adult mysteries. Hope you enjoy your reads!

Kat said...

I just want to say that I love your blog's layout. It's so cute. :3
Also, I am very jealous of some of the books you got, especially New Girl. I keep seeing it everywhere!


Anna @ Literary Exploration said...

Deadly Cool looks so good!! I really wanna read that one!! I got New Girl this week too! Enjoy!

Anna @ Literary Exploration

Samual said...

How awesome these books are!! I like the cover of Allegiance. It sounds very interesting. I might have to check it out sometime. Great mailbox! Thank you for sharing!

Books For All Seasons

Majanka said...

I requested an ARC of Halflings and Allegiance as well - I heard that they're both really good. Happy reading!

Take a look at what's in my Mailbox!

Carmen Shaw said...

So want to read Deadly Cool! I wonder if the girls eyes are real... they might! Idk.. I wish my eyes were that pretty ಥ_ಥ lol Anywho, I've heard a lot of great things about Deadly Cool! Happy reading!
Understanding Shae's Story

Amanda said...

I wanna read Deadly Cool so bad! Can't wait to see what you think of it. I've been seeing Allegiance around a lot this week and thought it sounded really good. Another one I can't wait to her what you think of it.

Here's my IMM: http://amandalynsbooks.blogspot.com/2011/12/in-my-mailbox-no-7.html

Carina Olsen said...

Ohh, these books look great :D Haven't read any of them, but they do seem awesome :) Enjoy reading them all! ;D
Thank you for commenting on my IMM. <3 And yeah, you totally should get some calendars ;D
Love, Carina

Faye (Daydreaming_Star) said...

Deadly Cool, New Girl and Halfling all look soo good and I cannot wait to get my hands on my own copies! I am looking forward to seeing what you think about them!!

Thanks for stopping by my IMM.

A Daydreamer's Thoughts

Book Sake said...

I really want to read Allegiance, but haven't read the first book. They both look so good though!
- Jessica @ Book Sake

Anonymous said...

Great IMM! I really hope you enjoy them :-)


New follower :-)

Marathon said...

I'm pretty sure I hit up all of your blogs already, so I thought I'd do a mass comment to tell you all thanks for stopping by!

Nikki A. said...

Deadly Cool is such a good mystery. You never expected the ending at all!
Happy reading!
Check out my IMM, I got a ton of books!

Hellen said...

Nice books! I haven't read any of them, but I've heard good things about Halflings. Happy reading!

Bex said...

Deadly Cool and Between the Sea and Sky looks soo good! And yay on New Girl, I cannot wait to pick it up myself. Awesome IMM! :) Thanks for stopping by!

Rayne said...

Awesome books you got this week.
Hope you enjoy them!

- Rayne
Thanks for stopping by our blog!
My Cute Bookshelf

Marathon said...

Nikki- Yeah, I'm looking forward to reading it!

Hellen- Thanks! I haven't heard too much on Halflings, but I'm still looking forward to reading it.

Rebecca- Right? I can't wait! It was my pleasure to stop my.

Rayne- Thanks! And I love your icon of Lightning.

Mimi Valentine said...

YAAAY!! You have Deadly Cool!! I just ADORED that book, and I really need to get my hands on a copy of Queen of the Dead too because The Ghost and The Goth was honestly one of the funnest books ever! :) Plus, Between the Sea and Sky sounds so good! (I love mermaid books!)

Awesome mailbox this week, Asher!! You have a lot of awesome reading ahead of you LOL! ;)

Marathon said...

Mimi- Really? Now I'm only more excited. And yes, absolutely, I was surprised by how much I ended up liking The Ghost and the Goth. YAY another mermaid lover!!

Thank you! And I'd like to think so as well.