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At the beginning: Gotta start somewhere

Well, I've finally gotten around to starting a book reviewing blog. Not only do I love to write, but I love, LOVE reading. I'm constantly stalking websites like MundieMoms or The Story Siren. So I thought, hell why don't I give it a shot?

Okay, so this is what I got during the month of September: Personal Demons by Lisa Desrochers; Torment by Lauren Kate (not pictured); and Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare. I've read both CA and PD already and will be reviewing them soon. My lovely mother just went out yesterday and picked up Crusade by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie for me, which is brilliant by the way, and I'm nearly done with it.

Next week, I should have Torment in my hands (O_O) and by November, Misguided Angel by Melissa De La Cruz will be apart of my growing book collection.



Ashley @ Bookaholics Anonymous said...

I'm kinda like you I just started out with my blog. I figurd I had all these books and I need a place to say what I felt about them. Also I'm looking forward to Misguided Angels (comes out tuesday) I actually found it on the shelves at target, but couldn't get it because it wasn't priced, and not a valid item. That's what the cashier said. :( but it's cool just 2 more days.