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Some GREAT News

On a totally random note, I want to show off my new necklace that my mom bought me while out with her best friend at the "Big Apple":

It kinda gives me a steampunk-ish, Victorian vibe...or maybe I'm way off base, but that's what I'm reminded of. What do you guys think?

It's so, so cool, because when I lift it to my ear, I can hear the steady clicking of the clock inside. It makes me think of Tessa's clockwork angel from Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare.

In other news, since I won't be participating in In My Mailbox this week, I want to share my extra special, exciting news. You'll never believe the email I received a few days ago (had I checked my email sooner, I would've known faster...*shrugs*)!

I'm not sure if it's considered an ARC, but thanks to NetGalley, I get to read an online copy of the Iron Queen of the Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa!!! I know, awesome, right?? So, do expect a review within the next few days! I'm so anxious to read it! Hopefully, despite my rather large reading pile, I'll still get to it within the week.