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Mash-Up: Cover Lust Syndrome!

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Mash-Up is a random feature located here at Paranormal Indulgence where I spotlight some book-related points of interest depending on the theme of the post.

Cover Spotlight!

Cover Lust Syndrome-
n. A group of symptoms that indicate or characterize an overwhelming desire or craving for enticing covers featured on printed or literary works, eventually morphing into an unstable, influencing disease.

Cover Lust Syndrome! is a new aspect of my Mash-Up feature, showcasing covers I'm lusting after. This feature could also be used for today's meme, Cover Crazy, hosted over at Tawni's The Book Worms blog. If you want to participate in her meme, you can visit her first cover crazy post for more info.

| Evercrossed . Everlasting |
by Elizabeth Chandler
by Alyson Noel

I actually used these covers for my first On My Wishlist as books that I'm dying to buy and read. I didn't know that they'd already released covers for these two books. I found out that Everlasting had a Cover Reveal very recently, and I just discovered Evercrossed while browsing through my Goodreads to-read pile. Lucky me, huh? :)

| Cascade . Faerie Ring |
by Lisa Tawn Bergren
by Kiki Hamilton

Have you heard of that new historical fiction novel with a heroine by the name of Gabi Betarrini, in which she ends up accidentally getting sent to 16th century Italy and meets these totally sexy Italian knights, called Waterfall? Yup, the River of Time series, that's the one! Well, they also released the cover for the next two novels, Cascade and Torrent, but I only put up Cascade being that it's the prettier of the two. I'm not really digging Torrent, because I don't find the guy to be exactly hot, and this goes into whether or not cover models are good or bad. I'll actually be doing a discussion post about that later in the week. 

Now, the next book I put up there is Faerie Ring by Kiki Hamilton, and I cannot freaking wait for that one! It's set in the late 1800s (my favorite time period!) and the heroine is not only a very good thief (well, pickpocket really, but same difference, right?) she's also an orphan and she ends up stealing the Queen's ring. (I'm getting an ominous vibe now, how about you?) Well, I'd be scared if I were Tiki (odd name, right?) because that ring is the only source of truce between the British and Faerie courts, which the fey will even go so far as murder to recover it. Talk about intense... And the cover is absolutely gorgeous! Love the colors, all the differents shades and hues of pink and red... not to mention the design and lettering for the title. The brilliance of the light being exuded from the ring instantly gives the impression that this particular ring is significant to the story... I'll probably being featuring the Faerie Ring in this week's On My Wishlist, because it most definitely is!

What do you think? Any of these sound worth your while, worth the time to read? How about the covers? Are you lusting after these as much as me?

Thanks for reading! Have fun reading and happy blogging!


Small Review said...

I like this feature :)

I completely loved Waterfall and I cannot wait for Cascade! I agree with you, I think Cascade has the best cover.

I'm also really into the cover and synopsis of The Faerie Ring. I wrote a cover crazy post about it that will be posted in March.

Mandy said...

Beautiful covers!

Logan E. Turner said...

I just finished Waterfall! Soooo good. Oh man, I just loved it. Love the mashup!

Marathon said...

Thanks all for the support on the mashup!

And I'm really dying to read Waterfall, I've heard so many good things about it!

Can't wait for that cover post of Faerie Ring! Really want to know what you think of it in-depth.