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Woohoo, I'm finished!

As you can very well see the blog has gone under a major makeover as far as the layout and a few other things.

Miaka Yuki (Fushigi Yuugi) <3
If you'll look up at the banner... while I was the one who created it, my wonderful sister, Neko-chan, graciously accepted my request for her do the chibi drawing of myself that you see up there. Didn't she do a fantastic job? I'm so grateful to her and ridiculously pleased for myself.

I'm really happy with the way the layout turned out, so hopefully this will be pretty permanent. Oh, and I also added a new page which explains my brand new rating system. Credit for its invention goes to me and its execution to my fabulous mother who polished my ideas and helped me come up with the result I desired. Thanks, Mom ^_^

There will be a few minor upcoming changes - slightly shorter reviews, more interviews, new posts, and hopefully *crosses fingers* more giveaways/contests.

And now that I've said my piece I'm ready for a much-need, long, long sleep. Hope you guys like the new look!