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It's happened. I'm a Throne of Glass Ambassador.

At last, this day has come. I’m so proud of me.

It pays to be so consistently insistent about the things I love.

And so slavishly grateful to Bridget and Bloomsbury for giving me this remarkable opportunity to be part of Sarah’s army of badass fans. We’re armed with trailers, reviews, exclusive content and scenes, and bribes giveaways for the coming weeks leading up to the release of CROWN OF MIDNIGHT, the second book in this series, and a book I’ve already had the great pleasure of reading in advance. I know, I’ll try not to taunt you too much; I don’t want to run the risk of having anyone curse me as I’m unbelievably superstitious.

Looking back on my starry-eyed reaction to THRONE OF GLASS last summer and the little teaser reactions I did for the BEA titles I’ve read thus far, one of which included CROWN OF MIDNIGHT, it should come as no surprise that I would take this chance to help endorse one of my favorite series out there. Seriously, I try not to be fool.

I’ve mentioned this before—it’s beyond me to understand the heart of those who could turn away from Celaena and her story, who can’t or won’t understand her and love her. She is much more than the assassin on the new cover, more than a lethal young woman who can take down an arena of criminals in a competition. Small Review describes her perfectly in her recent post on the cover changes: “Sure she probably looks JUST like that cover picture in a few scenes. Rage burning, weapons out, and a look that says, "I.WILL.END.YOU." There are definitely some scenes like that.

But she's also a girl, and I think that defines her much more than her assassin traits.

She's a girl who likes pretty dresses and swoony romances and glamorous parties and emotional music. She plays with her puppy and has giggly tea parties with her best friend. She eats chocolate cakes (like, the whole cake) and she likes glittery decorations. She frequently indulges in shopping sprees. She loves deeply and she treasures her friends (and, please tagline, she does NOT have a "heart of ice"). These are all the reasons I love her as a character and want to be her friend.”

This is why Small Review and I have impromptu sessions of geekdom over the series— because we both love Celaena deeply. It’s my wish that with my reviews for the series, with the coming weeks' treasures related to the series, that you’ll find something in my posts to connect you to this series until you’re nearly without choice about reading it.

For those beastly fangirls of the series, you’re among friends. And I can only imagine how distraught and overcome with jealousy I’d be if others were reading CROWN OF MIDNIGHT before and without me. I don’t know that I can help each one of you with that, but at least you can feel safe in the knowledge that this book will be arriving in your hands next month. And there’s so much to look forward to.

This book takes on a much darker tone. There’s so much more blood, death, and atrocity, the very things that will ultimately push Celaena to a brink she hasn’t visited since before her time in the mines of Endovier. The carnage will be great, but it’s Celaena’s deadly transition sparked by the underestimation from her enemies that serves as one of the major highlights. I encourage you guys to gobble up any reviews you can to get you pumped, because you’ll need that adrenaline to help you through what’s to come.

More, there’s so much more emotion in this sequel as well. More sleuthing and mystery-solving, more sadness and remorse, more scars done to our protagonist. It’s as heartwrenching as it is thrilling, and just as puzzling as its predecessor.

Sarah J. Maas has written one of my soul series. You know, books that speak to something in you, a set of books that are all about the kind of things you enjoy reading. I love reading about girls who actually care about what they wear or what they put on their face because it’s fun, who enjoy being a girl, while still acknowledging and utilizing their own strengths and never allowing anyone to make them forget those strengths. I love reading about magic and books within a book and maps and questing and ancient royalty and piecing together the past to understand how they affect both present and future. I love that Sarah can write romance, and a romance that suits. I love reading about emotions, about the fear that can hinder and the bravery that arises out of that fear, about compassion and loyalty and friendship. It’s all these things that make THRONE OF GLASS and CROWN OF MIDNIGHT equally incredible.

You would do well to check them out. If not now, then allow me to convince you. Because this is a story I would want EVERYONE to try; it’s precious to me, and sometimes I’m not that greedy. This is one of those times. Let me share with you.


Marathon said...

Great post!! I loved Throne of Glass and am so happy I got approved for Crown of Midnight!! I plan to reread Throne of Glass and then read Crown of Midnight! I can't wait!

Marathon said...

Yay, another fan!! I hope you enjoy and love Crown of Midnight as much as I do because it's wonderful.

Marathon said...

I just read Throne of Glass last week, and upon finishing, I immediately wanted to kick myself for not reading it a lot sooner! Dorian and Chaol- I love those two so much!

Marathon said...

Oh, that's so wonderful. I'M RIDICULOUS happy to hear that. *dances* *grins* I do love all the characters, but I want CHAOL ALL THE WAY.

Marathon said...

Gah! I'm planning on reading Throne of Glass SOON - like it's one of my next reads. I was so pumped to get both Throne of Glass & Crown of Midnight a BEA since it was one of my top wishlist books (the ones I can't believe I haven't read yet) I love you enthusiasm for this one and I can't wait to come back once I'm caught up and compare notes :D