"Do you have a compelling academic or personal need to attend the University of Washington Seattle at this time?"This little piece of adorable, sexy fiction was so, so good. I get giddy and want to squeal like I did when I got solo playing rights to Ocarina of Time at ten thinking about all that took place here. The first three-quarters are definitely the strongest part, but I just... can't. My heart got squeezed, my smile took over my face. Because Grace Kim flew to some military hospital the moment she finds out Reynaldo Cruz had his legs blown off in Afghanistan... and had her picture in his pocket. He used it to claim she was his fiance. She has never met him before in her life. He can barely speak because his brain is all scrambled. She's supposed to go back to her old life in a week.
Yes. I have a massive crush on a woman with a Ph.D., so I need a degree, a job and a place to live in Seattle. Please admit me. So I can get laid.
But she doesn't. She stays.
She helps his mom when she comes running to take care of her newly disabled son. She helps make his days a little easier than the days before. And he starts noticing how good she smells, how sweetly she tries, how she stays by his side even though she has no reason to. Ah... just talking about it is making my heart melt.
"Good." Of you to come, of you to help my mother, your hands feel good on my skin, goodbye, but he realized she probably heard good that you're leaving because the corners of her mouth drooped. "Not good. No." His voice rose, but he didn't know how to share his feelings.
There was one way to explain what he meant, a loco way, but he used to be a loco hombre. She barely had time to squeak before his hands gripped her shoulders and he yanked."
Angie, you may not remember me, but I never stopped reading your reviews. Your review for His Road Home stuck with me. You got to me.
e-Book / 109 pgs / Oct 13th 2014 / Carina Press / Goodreads / $2.99
My e-book copy was purchased on Amazon.com.

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