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Julie Kagawa's Live Chat About The Iron Knight

Despite the wavering audio throughout the live chat, I majorly enjoyed listening to Julie Kagawa talk all about her Iron Fey series! I'm sooo glad I didn't miss it.

(Sadly, I didn't know how to enter my questions or giveaway participation, so there was no hope for me on either front.)

So, to recap (keep in mind that I'm relying on my memory--a sometimes questionable source), Julie started off by talking about herself. Giving us fans and readers fun facts about herself.

Then, she told us all a little bit about the Iron Fey series, giving an overall summary to the series for newcomers or interested parties. What was really neat was the original ARC cover for The Iron King. Seeing the series as a set, I have to say that I love the covers the way they are. But, that first cover was VERY pretty.

In between all this talk, Julie answered some questions from different people. I recognized some of the bloggers--people from Mundie Moms, Page Turners... And everyone asked good questions: Would we see Meghan in The Iron Knight? (Julie said yes.) Will Puck land a girl of his own? (Julie said something similar to possibly in the future, though she hasn't written about it...)  Things of that nature. Julie did a pretty good job in refraining from answering questions with spoilers.

We got to hear the super secret synopsis AND Julie read to us the first chapter of the book!

But, what was more exciting was Julie's announcements! (At least for me.)

She is coming out with TWO... count 'em, TWO new series for 2012. The first is a post-apocalyptic vampire series, that goes something like the Blood of Eden series. (I'm pretty sure that's right.) Unfortunately, I couldn't hear what she said the first book was going to be called. But I don't care. It all sounds... EPIC. The second series was totally unexpected! Julie has decided to write a new trilogy that takes place in the world of the IRON FEY... Crazy amazing, yea? But get this, the new main character is... Ethan, Meghan Chase's younger brother. *screams* So cool, right?

I'm assuming this means that Ethan will be older, so say like ten years in to the future. That means we MIGHT get a glimpse at Future Ash, Puck, and Meghan. *squee*

And let me tell you, if it's anything like what The Iron Knight described the future to be, then grab me a ticket and a seat!

Added to the awesomeness that is today, Wednesday, July 13, 2011, NetGalley announced that The Iron Knight was now available to us! So, me being the insane, obsessive fan that I am, I logged onto NetGalley that instant and requested the title. I was approved, and I'm now very happy, yet sorta sad to say that I finished The Iron Fey series today.

AND IT WAS... Indescribable! Here's what you can expect (no spoilers, I promise!): the witty banter between are two favorite frenemies, Ash and Puck, the necessary inclusion of a certain sarcastic, wise cat, and new, unforeseen additions to the cast that will have your jaw-dropping! Awesome fight scenes, perilous adventure! It's all there... and that's all I'm going to say about it.

If you can, get your hands on The Iron Knight as soon as possible. It's guaranteed to rock your world.

Finally, to close her live chat, Julie announced the giveaway winner. Congrats to the winner--whose name has eluded me by now! There was also a video clip showed in the middle of the chat.

And that was all there was to it. It was fun and exciting to hear all of this coming from Julie!

If you couldn't make it today, both Julie and HarlequinTeen will be posting up the video for all to view soon. I would check back on HarlequinTeen's Facebook Page and Julie Kagawa's blog to find out more.

Are you excited for the arrival of The Iron Knight? 

Feel free to smack me, good-naturedly, with your thoughts.


Logan E. Turner said...

Well I finally bought The Iron King, but still haven't started it. I didn't realize Iron Knight was the last one!

Marathon said...

Yes, The Iron Knight, sadly, is the last one and it's a great conclusion. Way better than being left hanging at the end of book three. If you haven't already started on the series, I think you definitely should! One of my favorite set of faerie books...