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Fragment Friday (4)

Woohoo! It's Friday!

Anyway, welcome to Fragment Friday. It's an innovative, weekly meme that showcases books in a unique way. Generally what happens is every Friday James over @ Bookchicclub posts his FF vlog, where he talks a little bit about the book he has chosen for the week and then he reads a nice tidbit from said book. The idea is to get readers excited about books, all kinds of books. At the bottom of his post, he has a Mr. Linky where bloggers who participate in this meme sign up.

Want to participate too? Well, that's great. All you have to do is pick up a book, doesn't matter what kind of book-it could be your favorite one, one you haven't read but plan to, one you are reading, like I said, it doesn't matter-then create a vlog where you're reading an excerpt of the book you've chosen. Make sure to head on over to http://bookchicclub.blogspot.com and watch the FF vlog of the week and sign the Mr. Linky below. See, simple.

Also, check out others' vlogs. They're usually really good. Plus, you get to add to your TBR list (which may not be a good thing for everyone, but hey).

My choice: Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
Knopf Books for Young Readers»Pub. Date: 10/26/10»Hardcover»260 pgs»Summary

Purchase: AmazonBarnes & NobleBookdepository

Thank you Picasa 3 and Youtube for helping me put up this video!

&Thanks for listening!