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A few things, like where I've been...

I don't know exactly what prompted my avoidance of le blog, but it's probably a compilation of the following:

Mom gets into a car accident. So a new car was in order. And the ensuing car search was hell on my mom, which was not fun to watch. Fam and I decide we're sick of the place we're currently living in. That means the apartment hunt has already begun. New car, new house, new life. Big, big changes are coming. Or have already.

Then, there was the Reading Funk.

You know what I'm talking about, when your lust for books has died down some and you don't feel like reading... anything. Yeah, I know, it was a shock to me, too. Every book I'd tried to read kept coming off as mediocre or boring. I couldn't focus. So, I took a break.

And now here I am a week later.

Being that I find myself pressed for time, or I feel like I'm boring myself by not being very passionate about what I write if it's planned, I've decided to do away with writing discussion posts often. I'm limiting them to when I have a topic I find myself really wanting to talk about. I'm not going to force myself to come up with something. And coming up with something clever is just more of a chore--the last thing I want my blog to feel like.

After deciding that, I've also decided how I am going to be posting: Reviews five days a week, with a few memes sprinkled in. Saturdays will be a toss-up between My Big, Fat TBR Pile and Covetable Covers. Then, Sundays will be for In My Mailboxes and/or What's the Deal, Banana Peel?. Which I failed to write for June, but have no fear. You will see one for this month.

And that's basically it.

Prepare for regular posting. For said posting to commence tomorrow. I've actually, mostly, missed my blog. I want to read and write about books. Starting tomorrow, I will.

(By the way, has anyone watched any good anime lately? I'm kind of in the mood to watch something.)


Logan E. Turner said...

Wow, Asher! Lots of life changes! I hope your mom is okay, though it sounds like there was more damage to the car than to her, which is a great thing.


Marathon said...

*hugs back*

Thank, God, my mom wasn't hurt. The car did suffer more, much more. But, yeah, a lot is going on right now.

I missed you and your blog! Don't think I haven't been checking it, though :)

Liz. R said...

That sounds really stressful, I hope everything turns out okay for you! I'm glad your mum is okay, and I'm wishing you all the best :).

Err, anime-wise, I don't know what you've already seen or what your tastes are but I recently watched Spice and Wolf and really liked it! But if you've already seen it, and another recommendation, give me a shout :). And I love Naruto :P <3.

Marathon said...

Thank you so much!

I'll have to check out that one. I have varied tastes, so I'm pretty much open to anything. And I know what you mean about Naruto--I was into at one point, but it's just so damn long that I got tired of it. *shrugs* Thanks for the recommendation!

Small Review said...

Those are some major changes, Asher! Sending you *hugs* and positive vibes for finding a new car and home.

Marathon said...

Small Review - Thank you! And it looks like those positive vibes worked, because my officially landed us a new apartment. I'll be moving in soon :D