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My Big, Fat TBR Pile (3)

My Big, Fat TBR Pile is a feature in which I showcase future reads that can be found on my to-read pile. It's like multiple "Waiting On..." Wednesdays rolled into one, showcasing a mix of books new, old, and upcoming. I typically do this type of post when I'm too excited for words and NEED to unleash a peek at my wishlist. Mayhap, you will find yourselves as excited for them as I am.

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Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
Release Date: February 7, 2012

Bad Taste in Boys by Carrie Harris

Under the Never Sky screams delectable DYSTOPIAN. And it raises so many questions: Who is Aria and why was she exiled? Cannibals?? Why the heck are there CANNIBALS--eww--roaming the wasteland she's been exiled to? Is Perry as yummy as I imagine him to be? You see why my thoughts have been plagued as of late, yea? And that cover--it's no wonder why a cover whore like me would be all over this book!

And I was convinced by Alex @ Electrifying Reviews that Bad Taste in Boys is a "promising" must-read. I have this recent fetish, besides my mermaids obsession, for zombies. I think I mentioned this a time or two. It's that thrill of never knowing if, how, and when the characters get eaten. So, color me surprised when I discovered this new--and presumably funny--book that's centered around The Walking Dead--Ooh. It looks great--I like the cover, like the premise. Can't wait to get my hands on it!


Release Date: February 28, 2012

Everneath by Brodi Ashton
Release Date: January 3, 2012

For some reason When the Sea is Rising Red brings Romeo & Juliet to mind. Maybe it's because the heroine is running away from an arranged marriage, and she ends up falling in love with an enemy of her family...?

One of my most anticipated titles of 2012, I'm so, so looking forward to Everneath. Mostly because of this mysterious "smoldering immortal who first enticed her to the Everneath, [and] has followed Nikki to the mortal world." Good or bad, the idea of him and the reason he wants Nikki so badly intrigues me.  


Blood Red Road by Moira Young

Plain Kate by Erin Bow

Why is there soo much hoopla surrounding Blood Red Road? I had to mention this one AGAIN because it's starting to bug me, how much I see it everywhere. I can't tell you how many stellar reviews I've seen for this novel--countless! It's gotten to the point where I feel terribly left out, like I'm missing out on something spectacular. The cover doesn't particularly attract me, but from what I've heard the story is breathtaking. I'll have to find out for myself soon, I guess.

Have you read Small Review's review for Plain Kate? 'Nuff said.


Enthralled Anthology 
Release Date: September 20, 2011

Kiss Crush Collide by Christina Meredith
Release Date: December 27, 2011

The Enthralled Anthology sounds freaking awesome! Why? Because not only is it a collection of paranormal (*pokes blog name*--there's a reason for that) stories, but it features tales from authors I love! I especially want to read Melissa Marr, Jeri Smith-Ready, Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Mary E. Pearson (whoa! The Adoration of Jenna Fox author is doing paranormal?!), and Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl's works. And I LOVE the cover, particularly the beautiful scripted title!

Because I'm such a fan of Perfect Chemistry (although I've yet to finish the series/companion series), it's, like, required for me to read Kiss Crush Collide. How could I resist a seemingly heartfelt yet sexy romance such as this? I'll tell you--I can't, I'd have to be a mutant. (No offense to any and all mutants, most especially the X-men.)