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Author Insider: Jodi Meadows

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About the Book:
Ana is new. For thousands of years in Range, a million souls have been reincarnated over and over, keeping their memories and experiences from previous lifetimes. When Ana was born, another soul vanished, and no one knows why.

Even Ana’s own mother thinks she’s a nosoul, an omen of worse things to come, and has kept her away from society. To escape her seclusion and learn whether she’ll be reincarnated, Ana travels to the city of Heart, but its citizens are suspicious and afraid of what her presence means. When dragons and sylph attack the city, is Ana to blame?

Sam believes Ana’s new soul is good and worthwhile. When he stands up for her, their relationship blooms. But can he love someone who may live only once, and will Ana’s enemies—human and creature alike—let them be together? Ana needs to uncover the mistake that gave her someone else’s life, but will her quest threaten the peace of Heart and destroy the promise of reincarnation for all?

Jodi Meadows expertly weaves soul-deep romance, fantasy, and danger into an extraordinary tale of new life.

I want to extend a happy welcome to Jodi Meadows, who graciously agreed to answer my blazing questions about her upcoming novel release, Incarnate. Introducing reincarnation like never before, Meadows's novel is one I am so very anxious to read!

Q. Incarnate is the first book in a fresh series called Newsoul, which is basically about a girl, Ana, who has a received a new soul in a city full of people who have been reincarnated multiple times and have retained all their memories from previous lives. Ana, it would seem, is being viewed as a bad omen. Where did this story spring from? What inspired you to create such a concept, which, although visited before, seems as new as this series?

To be completely honest, the idea for INCARNATE came three years before I ever started writing the book. Whatever that original spark was is gone now. I do, however, remember being fascinated by the idea of people being reincarnated over and over -- but while that's interesting, what would make it MORE interesting? A NEW person.

Q. For those bloggers and book readers out there who have YET to come across your novel in their internet travels, what can you tell us about Incarnate?

INCARNATE is about the only girl who's new in a world where everyone else is perpetually reincarnated, and her quest to discover why she was born, and what happened to the person she replaced. While it has reincarnation, it's also about being new, acceptance, music, and breaking free of limitations.

Q. The cover for Incarnate is by far one of the most stunning covers I’ve seen so far, so much so that I felt the need to talk about it on the blog. On my rating system, it qualifies as joygasm-inducing. When you were first presented with the cover, what did you feel? Do you feel as if the cover suits the story you’ve introduced?

I had a complete jawdrop moment when I saw the original comp. I wasn't sure what to expect when I got that email, because when they'd asked about my dream covers, I sent examples of gorgeous landscapes and iconic images. I'd told them the only thing I didn't want was a girl's face on the cover -- until I saw the cover comp and Ana's face on the cover was the only thing I did want. (Moral of the story: TRUST the Art Department. They know what they're doing!)

And yes, the cover is perfect for the book. The model they chose looks like Ana in my head, and the butterfly mask gives the cover that iconic feel I'd been going after with my examples. As if that weren't enough to make it the perfect cover, it's also accurate. The butterfly mask is a real thematic thing in the story.

I could not be more pleased!

Q. Do you think your own personal romance inspired the one you wrote in Incarnate? Does Sam reflect your significant other in any way?

Maybe! I think the fluttery crush feelings at the beginning of a romance are pretty universal. Most of us know what that feels like. As for Sam -- he's his own person. While he does have some similarities to my husband, they're merely things that I find attractive in a guy.

Q. We share the same likes! I am a cat person by nature (a recent discovery), and have two at home. And I’ve always wanted (and begged my mom for) a ferret! They just seem so cute to me. What’s the deal with you and your ferrets? What drew you to taking the first one home?

I don't know what happened with the ferrets. I saw a few in a store once and then couldn't get them out of my head. They were too cute! And so friendly! I spent a good month doing research online, learning everything I could about ferrets before I bought my first one, which turned out to be a really good thing -- ferrets are much different from dogs and cats!

Q. Using Bob (the spinner), what would you spin (or maybe even knit) for your main character, Ana? What colors would she most likely don?

I'd have to knit her a pair of fingerless mittens! And, because she's special, I'd spin fancy fibers for the mitts, too. Qiviut -- from musk oxen -- and maybe some gorgeous mulberry silk for sheen. She'd have the warmest hands in the world.

Q. The synopsis of Incarnate mentions some of Ana’s enemies are creatures. What kind of paranormal creatures can we expect to see in the book? Are they of your own invention or ones we’ve all encountered already?

Primarily dragons and sylph, but if you're paying attention, you'll catch mentions of several others. The world outside Range is a scary place!

All the creatures are ones you might have heard of if you read fantasy books, but most have my own twist on them, or aspects from different mythologies I thought were especially cool/scary. The sylph are probably the most unique and unlike their mythological counterparts. I made up everything about them and then named them.

Q. It definitely seems as if Incarnate will turn into a series. Can you tell us how many books are predicted to be released?

INCARNATE is a trilogy. They've all been written, and I'm working on revisions for book 2 right now.

Q. What do you need in order to get ‘in the mood’ to write? Do you need music or total silence? Food to eat beforehand or during? Any quirks that readers would find odd? And how long do you normally write on a daily basis?

I treat writing like a regular job. I get up in the morning, make my coffee, and get to work. Sometimes that work is answering emails/interview questions/miscellaneous stuff, and sometimes it's opening up Scrivener immediately. I like having coffee with me, and having a bottle of water is a must, but otherwise, I have no real requirements. Quiet is good. Or music. It depends on the day.

Q. And lastly, I read that you professed to be a total book addict. A true one, who originally had no shame hitting the bookstore every month for the latest must-haves. That being said, are you a still a reader of Young Adult fiction? What sub-genres do you like to read? Are you excited for any upcoming releases? (I know I’m anticipating Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi which just released this week!)

I'm definitely a reader! I don't think any author can claim not to be a reader. Not only is it important to know what else is out there and what's resonating with other readers right now, reading books of all genres helps keep your mind open to new possibilities and new stories.

My favorite subgenres are fantasy related. I love that we're seeing more science fiction on the market, and dystopian. I adore romance in stories. I've also been discovering a love for some contemporaries, too. A few books I'm looking forward to seeing on the shelves: EVERNEATH by Brodi Ashton, DEFIANCE by CJ Redwine, and HEMLOCK by Kathleen Peacock.

Thank you so much, Jodi, for stopping by! And don't forget to pre-order Incarnate, fellow bloggers and readers!


Leanna Elle said...

Great questions!

I'm excited to read Incarnate. Love the cover, and the premise of this one is fascinating!

Brodie said...

Ah, fantastic interview! DRAGONS!! I've only recently made the discovery that dragons are awesome. Terrible me passed over so many books because I thought, "Eh... dragons? So not my thing". Then I gave Firelight a try and.. DRAGONS ARE COOL. Can't wait to see how they are in Incarnate!

I love the idea of reincarnation, that's what originally drew me to this story. And yes, that beautiful cover!!

Also: ferrets. Awww! So cute <3

Liz. R said...

Really looking forward to Incarnate! Didn't know it had dragons in it, but now I am doubly intrigued :P. And I think I'd love a pair of fingerless mittens like that! Great interview :).

Marathon said...

L- Ever since I saw the cover I was hooked. I can't wait for this one as well!

Brodie- I know! I wonder what twists she's going to give them.

Reincarnation has always been a fun thing. And beautiful-sounding. So I'm excited to see how Meadows has weaved a tale about it.

*high fives* Right <3

Liz- I know, as soon as I saw dragons I was like, Whaaa? I'm so excited, too. And mittens are always great to have. Have you see the mittens where the fingertips can be pulled back, giving you easy access to type on a touch screen? I've seen those before, really cool.

Thank you all for stopping by!