So, I was gearing up for posting today's entry, when I realized that no words were coming to me for King's Rising by C. S. Pacat--the most recent book I've finished.
Hardly a surprise when it's the last book in a fantasy trilogy and my emotions were all stirred up to the point of actual turmoil. If you read my review for the first two books you'll remember that while I was invested, I wasn't, like, SUPER invested. Or so I thought.
Then I put book three down, and decided I was full of shit.
Does it amount to one of my favorite series of all time? No, not quite. But, it's a damn good fantasy trilogy, filled with all the things I love about The Winner's Curse Trilogy and the Throne of Glass series--awfully, bitterly beautiful love story meets heartbreaking parameters that may squash that love meets thrones to be reclaimed. All I can say currently is that C. S. Pacat lived up to the promises she made in the earlier books.
Sadly, anything else I may have to say on the matter might be touched upon during my weekly feature on my Youtube channel. I'm doing Sitdown Saturdays where I touch on some of the cool books I've read, so look out for that if you want to know more on the King's Rising.
Though, I'm hardly promising anything here.
These days, I'm in the middle of a few books.
Now, we all heard me say that I'm a big lover of the Throne of Glass series, right? 'Kay. So following that, I love Sarah J. Maas as a human. But, I'm not so bias where I can't say that the ACOTAR series is riddled with flaws I can't really ignore. The problem for me is, I know what she's trying to do. And I can see how she's trying to do it. But, sadly, in the ten percent chance I've given ACOMAF, book two, those earlier problems I had with book one have been reinforced, and she's still failing at what she's trying to deliver. For me. BUT.
Because I want to believe that anything Sarah writes will get better... I'm determined to power through. I've just gotten to the point where she's ditched the sunshine and tulle dresses and Tamlin's mating rituals and has ended up in the Night Court. And that's all I'll say... but being with Rhysand has me considerably more excited.
One thing she has managed to sell me on so far? That Tamlin might not be Feyre's one true love after all. Something I thought was going to bother me as a result of the ending of ACOTAR was that cemented clarity Feyre has... and the teasing dawn of a love triangle after said realization--especially because it was hammered into our skulls how much Feyre looooves Tamlin.
But, Sarah has made me believe that the person Feyre had to become to save the person she loves, may not be able to withstand being with that person.
I believe Feyre has been broken by her circumstances. We'll just see if the rest of the trouble she gets up to will live up for me. Sad side note: I'm unimpressed by the sex scenes so far. They feel almost awkward.

Now, I've been dying to get my greedy hands on this book, and it is by far the most promising out of all my prospective reads. Less than ten percent of the way through, and I was immediately hooked. The words of Landy's Skullduggery Pleasant have been laced with this kind of quiet humor. I mean, that the narrative seems to almost be laughing at itself without being schticky.
And we haven't even gotten to the fun stuff yet.
My interest for this series was inspired by the dozens and dozens of quotes I found relating to the main characters. So far, I haven't been disappointed. The writing is either very elegant or very funny. OR a nice a blend of both. And I'm digging it.

Between this and Howl's Moving Castle, there really are no two more classic fantasy books I want to complete. The Last Unicorn with it's whimsical, sumptuous prose is not so beautiful that I just want to admire the words. I want to bask in them, live inside them. I want to live with the characters who DO occupy them. Except...
I'm just not in the mood.
It's almost the same kind of deal with a Melina Marchetta book. You have to be in the right mindset to perfectly enjoy the things you love about it, even when you don't quite understand everything yet.
When the time is right, nothing gets to me like a heartbreaking quest. Nearly nothing.
I hope to vibe with this one soon.
Come see what else I'm currently reading!

Then I put book three down, and decided I was full of shit.
Does it amount to one of my favorite series of all time? No, not quite. But, it's a damn good fantasy trilogy, filled with all the things I love about The Winner's Curse Trilogy and the Throne of Glass series--awfully, bitterly beautiful love story meets heartbreaking parameters that may squash that love meets thrones to be reclaimed. All I can say currently is that C. S. Pacat lived up to the promises she made in the earlier books.
Sadly, anything else I may have to say on the matter might be touched upon during my weekly feature on my Youtube channel. I'm doing Sitdown Saturdays where I touch on some of the cool books I've read, so look out for that if you want to know more on the King's Rising.
Though, I'm hardly promising anything here.
These days, I'm in the middle of a few books.

Now, we all heard me say that I'm a big lover of the Throne of Glass series, right? 'Kay. So following that, I love Sarah J. Maas as a human. But, I'm not so bias where I can't say that the ACOTAR series is riddled with flaws I can't really ignore. The problem for me is, I know what she's trying to do. And I can see how she's trying to do it. But, sadly, in the ten percent chance I've given ACOMAF, book two, those earlier problems I had with book one have been reinforced, and she's still failing at what she's trying to deliver. For me. BUT.
Because I want to believe that anything Sarah writes will get better... I'm determined to power through. I've just gotten to the point where she's ditched the sunshine and tulle dresses and Tamlin's mating rituals and has ended up in the Night Court. And that's all I'll say... but being with Rhysand has me considerably more excited.
One thing she has managed to sell me on so far? That Tamlin might not be Feyre's one true love after all. Something I thought was going to bother me as a result of the ending of ACOTAR was that cemented clarity Feyre has... and the teasing dawn of a love triangle after said realization--especially because it was hammered into our skulls how much Feyre looooves Tamlin.
But, Sarah has made me believe that the person Feyre had to become to save the person she loves, may not be able to withstand being with that person.
I believe Feyre has been broken by her circumstances. We'll just see if the rest of the trouble she gets up to will live up for me. Sad side note: I'm unimpressed by the sex scenes so far. They feel almost awkward.

And we haven't even gotten to the fun stuff yet.
My interest for this series was inspired by the dozens and dozens of quotes I found relating to the main characters. So far, I haven't been disappointed. The writing is either very elegant or very funny. OR a nice a blend of both. And I'm digging it.

I'm just not in the mood.
It's almost the same kind of deal with a Melina Marchetta book. You have to be in the right mindset to perfectly enjoy the things you love about it, even when you don't quite understand everything yet.
When the time is right, nothing gets to me like a heartbreaking quest. Nearly nothing.
I hope to vibe with this one soon.

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