“I’m tall,” he said. “I can reach things on high shelves. Very convenient in a husband.”I don’t want to say living in France these past eight months has made me into a snob. But, I felt a little cheated by some of the descriptions of Paris. I wanted—no, expected—more descriptive prowess to do justice to what a magnificent city it truly can be. The City of Lights didn’t shine to it’s fullest potential here.
She definitely had to suppress a smile there. “I organize my kitchen. I can reach whatever I want.”
He sighed heavily. “I suppose you don’t need me to open jars for you either.”
Hey, she had a dimple. Damn. He was definitely going to marry her.
That is where most of my disappointment lies. Yeah, did I feel like the story went on a little too long? Sure. Did I think Violette’s English sounded a little too American? Yeah.
Violette and Chase are magnetic, addictive. Their chemistry leaps up and demands to be paid rightful attention. The twining of their characters, the charm and wit and shyness and feistiness thrown back and forth between the two kept me smiling—sometimes outright laughing—at their every scene together. Their chemistry is unbeatable, organic. The fact that they are equals in about every way, and neither of them are intimidated by the other’s strong personality just sets the sparks dancing.
“Why H?” she said.If this is what I can come to expect with Florand’s writing, then I will definitely be checking out her other series. There is just something so simultaneously warm, toasty, and hot, spicy about her writing, something she’s done heart-warmingly, body-sizzlingly well.
“Jesus H. Christ,” she repeated, with an accenteted precision that was so erotic he nearly whimpered. “Why H?”
He, uh… damn. He had no idea. “I’ll tell you after the birth of our first child.”
She had two dimples. One on each side. And she paired them with a very haughty look up and down his body that made him want to beg. “It will be interesting to see you pregnant.”
He grinned. “So that’s a yes?”
I look forward to more zing in the future.
Ebook / 246 pgs / Apr 5th 2016 / Author Published / Goodreads / $4.99
My copy was purchased from Amazon Kindle.

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