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Hand Over That Book, Please VII

Previous in the series...
Last week I wrote about Paranormals that I heart in YA. Today is all about... AMOOOR. Romance. It's so hard to find really good, thorough, dreamy romances in YA lit, so it took a bit of thinking, but I think I got a few down that I know for sure I absolutely adore.

Slow Burn

Definition:: a sizzling build-up romance that heats up more and more as the book progresses, but jumps back just out of reach until the end, making you want to pull your hair out even as you draw closer to the flame perilously close to killing you by excessive smoke inhalation:

Love or Hate

Definition:: separated by a fine line that borders love and hate, romances following this pattern may be prone to chronic sarcastic/witty banter followed shortly after by some HOT romantic gesture (i.e. a make-out session against the brick wall/pick-up truck/hotel bedroom/other *waggles eyebrows*)

Need I say more?
Definition:: also known as Falling For That Kid You Grew Up With Syndrome - That childhood friend who saw the MC through puberty and grandma's knitted-from-love sweaters every Christmas? Suddenly turns SMOKIN. Confusing feelings of desire and love begin to surface, overwhelming and frustrating. UNTIL Mr. Childhood Friend steps up to the plate and confesses to the MC that he reciprocates the aforementioned desire and love.

Cheesy Peasy

Definition:: "I compare to Easy Mac: just cheesy enough and leaves you satisfied with a guilty smile on your face." (from Makeshift Bookmark)

Other Notable Electrifying Romances

And this, my friends, concludes my basic list on all things beautifully romantic in YA fiction. Look out for dreadfully Overrated aspects in YA that make me want to gag/scream in Hand Over That Book, Please VIII, the last in the series :(

What romances make you sigh dreamily/wistfully?


Helena said...

The romance in Anna and the French Kiss is obviosly dreamy. I would also include Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles, perhaps in the love/hate section.

Marathon said...

Thanks for reminding me of Perfect Chemistry! How could I have forgotten *gasps*